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Be in shape with the brilliant Aimee Victoria Long!
By Victoria Capaccio/ 23rd February 202/ Interview

I am Aimee Victoria Long, personal trainer and wellness coach. I am 27 and based in London. Always been passionate by fitness, I have been a personal trainer for six years and continue to share my knowledge to help people reach their body goals.


What is your daily routine?


Usually, I get up about 5:45am and walk the dogs. I then start my session at about 7am with a combination of classes and personal virtual sessions until around midday. From 12pm, I check all my online coaching clients to see how they are going on. Some days, I am over at Live Now Fitness which is a new online class provider and I go in to film in the studios usually every Friday.


What consists your “The Body Beautiful Method”?


My Body Beautiful Method is little bit of a mix of pilates, barres and mobility including elements of heat depending on what session it is, in order to bring up the heart rate and infuse cardio with the classes. It is a combination of everything. This technique is an overall fitness and conditioning, lengthening and strengthening all your body. This is a full body work out, it is very accessible and you don’t need lot of equipment.


What does your meal plan look like?


My meal plan is varied. In the morning, I am usually not very hungry, I might have just a coffee or tea lemon water. I am kind of back to back every morning from 7am to around 1pm. From 1pm, I probably have a soup or a salad, something very quick that I can have on my desk while I reply on emails. On the evening, it really just depends on what my boyfriend wants to cook, from lasagne to chicken bake. I don’t restrict myself too much, I just keep a balance meal.


What is the first thing a person should do if he/she wants to lose weight?


I think the fasting plan meal can really be beneficial. It gives yourself the time to regenerate and also notices your hunger pattern a bit more. I personally found that it really helps me lose weight because I will always be working out in a fast state; in the morning I do a lot of fitness classes as a PT, so I generally do a lot of teaching. When it comes to meals, I am only eating in a small window, so I don’t consume too much but I eat what I like.


Do you recommend counting calories to lose weight?


I think it can help for some people. To lose weight, you have to be in a calorie deficit. Nevertheless, counting calories should not become an obsession.


What are your 5 tips for people to manage their daily meals and exercise?


  1. Stay consistent! People tend to think they are going to lose so much weight in just three weeks and that is realistically not going to happen. It is important to be consistent and making a life style instead of a crash diet.
  2. Make sure you have a support system. Go work out with your friends and create a routine that makes you exercise for fun and don’t do it as a chore.
  3. Don’t just say you’re going to do your work out, pop it in your dairy like it’s a meeting! You would never cancel a business meeting with your boss so why would you cancel your work out? It is just as important, for your mental health as your physical health.
  4. Drink plenty of water! Don’t drink only coffee, several times I found people drinking coffee to supress their appetite but it also gives headaches and make you feel dehydrated. Drinking water will also help you lose weight.
  5. Enjoy your food! Don’t cut your food out, just try to be moderated. Eat in small portion.



Thank you so much Aimee for your tips! If you want to book session with Aimee Victoria Long and read more about her work out, go read her website at:

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