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How long should last a workout?

How long should last a workout?

Yes, everyone is concern about how long should last a workout. The real problem is that people forget about the idea of daily exercise and if they start to exercise they have to do it properly and spend the right amount of time in the gym. Please...

Obesity is not an illness!!!

Obesity is not an illness!!!

Things are very simple but society and the health & wellness industry create this idea of  “it’s complicated” only we know how to help you or how to do it” but the truth is that you only need yourself. Obesity is not...

Some people don’t want to change!

Some people don’t want to change!

I heard so many times the idea “Some people don’t want to change!” I believe and I can put all my money if it was a bet on “they don’t have the right environment. If you have any suggestions or opinions please let me...
